Preparatory - Foundation Program at Duna International College
Pre-Medical - Experimental Sciences
Medical studies in Hungary
When it comes to medicine, Hungary is one the first countries that come to mind. There were many great Hungarian scientist who changed our every day lives by discovering or inventing something significantly new.
Nobel-prize winner, Albert Szent-Györgyi realized the importance of Vitamine-C, Endre Mester was able to cure skin diseases with polarized light therapy and so on.
If someone decides to study medicine, with its rich history in the study field, Hungary is probably the best place to do so. There are many world wide acknowledged universities here, that offer a sufficient knowledge to succeed professionally and also great memories that stay with you for a life time.
Duna International College offers a Pre-Medical course, which provides a thorough preparation in Science. The subjects and the lessons in Pre-medical course are:
- Biology (including anatomy, physiology)
- Chemistry
- Medical terminology
- English language
After finishing this course, the chance of being accepted to the preferred university is very high.
Appropriate for applicants to:
- Medicine
- Dentistry
- Pharmacy
- Veterinary
- Physiotherapy
- Midwifery
- Biology
- Pure sciences
Duna College Special Booklets
Our booklets are the admirable results of the endeavours of our teachers who are expert professors/researchers at reputed universities. They function as the main guidance and helping tool for our students to get well prepared for their university entrance exams.
These booklets are one of the bests among Pre-medical ones in Europe and are adopted by many students in Hungary.
In order to apply for this program, please click here.
Pre-Economic - Business & Management Studies
Business, Management and Humanities - Economic & Business studies in Hungary:
As anyone can notice, our everydays are more and more influenced by the effects of globalization and the growing importance of the financial world. As such, many students decide to study Economics to be able to understand the happenings around them and to build a career of their own in this field.
With not only one university, that is internationally highly recognized, Hungary offers a great environment for students who prefer to study finance, management etc. on a higher level.
By applying to Duna International Colleges Pre-economics course, the students receive the basic knowledge of business. The subjects and the lessons in Pre-engineering course are:
- Mathematics
- Management and Marketing
- IT
- General English
- Business English
which are required at the application to Higher Education Institutes in Hungary and to succeed in understanding the background of our daily actions (for example from shopping to having mortgages).
Appropriate for applicants to:
- Business
- Management
- Language studies
- Tourism
In order to apply for this program, please click here.
Pre-Engineering - Technical Sciences
Technical Sciences - Engineering studies in Hungary:
The word engineering can mean a great deal of activities. If we look around us, we find countless pieces of work, that were made by engineers. The cars were designed by mechanical-, the street lighting by electrical engineers and the buildings by architects. This might be one of the most complex studyfields, and so, it takes great effort to complete higher educational courses within these subjects.
Since the subjects required are considered difficult, the Pre-Engineering (Technical Scienes) course at Duna International College can be very helpful. The subjects and the lessons in Pre-engineering course are:
- Mathematics
- Physics
- IT
- English language
It does not only help its students in being accepted at the desired university, but also helps students throughout their studies, since it provides a steady base within these subjects for all new information received.
Appropriate for applicants to: Pure science and Engineering studies in:
- Civil Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Architecture
- Chemical Technology and Biotechnology
- Electrical Engineering
- Computer & IT
- Mechatronics
- Industrial Design
In order to apply for this program, please click here.
Master studies and PhD in Hungary:
After finishing a Bachelor’s degree course and receiving a diploma, it becomes clear to everyone, that it is not at all easy. It takes a great deal of energy to succeed and to achieve this educational certificate.
If one decides to continue studying and wishes to complete a Master’s degree course abroad as well, the task becomes even more complex by undertaking the difficulties given by the language barriers, the new environment etc.
Duna International College can help those, who desire to make their studies more adventurous and wish to study away from home experiencing new situations, a new way of life and a new culture. By choosing our Pre-Master's and receiving a proper preparation in English, IT & Data Mining, Management and Mathematics, these subjects will become much easier and understandable and the strong foundation for further studies will be provided.
Appropriate for all postgraduate applicants in order to improve their teamwork and management skills proficiency along with fundamental science studies.
The course contents covers the following topics which are crucially required for an MA or MSc student. Please be informed that Pre-master's is a general course and does not involve any specialized studies or subject. The subjects and the lessons in Pre-master's course are:
- Marketing management
- General English language
- Business English
- IT
- It is a general course and does not deal with specialized subjects.
- Please check your desired Master's degree with us if it is held for international students in Hungary.
- Some courses maybe joint with Business program.
In order to apply for this program, please click here.
Postgraduate certificate in Pre-Doctoral Studies
Preparation for success in doctoral studies at leading universities worldwide.
The course is designed to effectively improve your English in key skills, preparing students to study at the doctorate level. If your research ideas are not yet firm enough to undertake doctoral studies and you feel that you need to improve your language and research skills, this course if for you.
As well as being academic, the course helps students to understand very well the practical aspects of doctoral studies, for example how to engage with supervisors, how to prepare research design, and what to expect as a PhD student.
The course contents covers the following topics which are crucially required for a PhD scholar:
- Marketing management
- General English language
- Business English
- IT
This course is held as a joint program with our Pre-Masters course.
- Fall semester classes commence on: October.13.2025
- Spring semester classes start on: February.16.2026