
Duna College has qualified teachers, they help you as far as they can. You can ask them every question about your studies.
The college itself is a social place where you can study and have a delightful time with your classmates.

Duna College in Budapest has given me a great environment to prepare for university.

I have always tried to follow a ”good way” to build the best possible future. In my opinion, Duna College was a good way to follow in this sense.
So no doubt, at Duna College you will have a good curriculum, with good teachers that are always ready to help you, to do the best they can. I hope you enjoy your study and your time spent here.
I am also sure that with great efforts you can conquer all peaks in front of you.

The courses are well-organized and taught by great professors.

Duna college professors teach to make one understand and grasp the concept,reliable office staff and I got to interact and make friends with people from different countries.A small community but I believe the best way to adapt to living in a foreign country and also getting accepted to medical school.It was really worth it.

Duna College gave me a great experience. Not only did I learn more in the study field I wish to continue in, but I also learned a lot about Europe, about what it means to be independent and to live away from home.
I am grateful for my parents and for the college, because their help and support helped me make the decision of coming to Hungary and studying abroad. Looking back, it was the best step I could have made.

Duna College is a prominent college for higher education in Hungary and the whole Europe. The English language courses at Duna College have got a very high level which really helps you to improve your English. The College also offers unique facilities and easily accessible services to all its students.